Apollo sends home mother of twin girls all smiles post episode of convulsions leading to ventilation

A private nursing home was clueless when a 35-year-old mother of newborn twin girls started having severe convulsions four to five hours after delivery prompting doctors there to refer her to Apollo Gleneagles Hospitals, Kolkata.
As far as Soma Singh, 35, a schoolteacher was concerned, that turned out to be the best decision they could have taken.
On immediate admission in Apollo Gleneagles Hospitals Kolkata, evaluation revealed that she was suffering from “Post-Partum Preeclampsia”, a steep rise in the blood pressure a few hours after delivery leading to subarachnoid hemorrhage (bleeding in the brain), which caused the convulsions. Investigations concluded that she was suffering from Postpartum preeclampsia, for which she was in ICU for a week.
“I was under ventilation support for five days and in the hospital for another two days. I am indebted to the doctors of critical care at Apollo not only for the medical treatment but for their encouraging words, which helped me recover faster, I believe,” Soma Singh, who gave birth to twin girls on the morning of October 25 and was brought to Apollo around 2pm, said.
She was speaking with her father Arvinda Singh by her side while at Apollo for follow-up on Monday. To her elation, her doctor told her she was absolutely fine and the blood pressure was normal.
According to doctors, women who have their first child late, those who are carrying twins and those who have pre-existing hypertension, are predisposed to Post-Partum Preeclampsia “It is important to recognise the risk group and be on the alert so that treatment can start soon in the event of BP shooting up and convulsions,” said a senior member of the team of doctors who treated Soma.
Soma, herself is aware of the danger she had been in and that her condition could have worsened had she not been referred to a tertiary care hospital.
“At last, I can feel the joy of being a mother. The last few days I couldn’t even have my babies to myself due to the complications I was going through. I thank the doctors for this,” she said.