
Panel Discussion on The Importance of STEM Education held in City

India contributes 31.7% of all the STEM graduates in the whole world. The National Science Foundation estimates that 80% of all jobs created in the next decade will have some bases or requirement of Math and Science skills. That’s how the future is going to evolve. Besides, there has been a 44 per cent increase in STEM job postings over the past two years.

A Panel Discussion on the importance of STEM Education was held at the  Williamson Magor Hall, BCC&I.  The event was organized by The Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry in association with the US consulate in Kolkata. US Consul General, Kolkata, Melinda Pavek, Vice-Chancellor of Adamas University Prof Suranjan Das, Rangina Hamidi, professor at the Thunderbird School of Global Management and former Minister of Education of Afghanistan, Dr. Kanadpriya Basu, Professor of Practice, Data Science & Leadership Development. Senior Advisor to Dean & Director General, Lead – Business Analytics Executive Program, Thunderbird School of Global Management, Arizona State University and Arnab Basu, President Designate, The Bengal Chamber and Advisory Leader, Price Waterhouse Coopers Pvt. Ltd. participated in the panel discussion.Dr. Daniel B. Schwab, President and Founder, STEM for Development joined the dicussion virtually.Attendees from academia, government & policy as well as business and commerce were present.

Prof Suranjan Das moderated the discussion and audience asked questions to the panelists Discussion during the event focused on how educators could not only improve STEM pedagogy, but also how they might reach the many children around the world who lack access to quality STEM education. They also described increasing opportunities for students to engage with science and engineering at a young age, but said more needed to be done.The discussion helped audiences understand the importance of experiential learning, especially within STEM subjects.


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