INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY( I3T),premiere research institute for implementing innovative solutions for public health in alliance with Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg school of Public Health;has announced the launch of the state –of-art and Advanced Diagnostic Center to address the threats of public Health.
To create awareness of the facilities of the Diagnostic Center, I3T is organizing a health camp drive for the community people, completely free of cost.In this drive, I3Twillconduct free health check-up and consultation facilities as well as free diagnostics and ECG, specifically catered for post COVID 19 checkup. The Health camp will occur on consecutive Thursdays starting from 4thof February, 2021 till 18thof February, 2021, from 8:30 am onwards. The range of diagnostic tests will encompasses full body checkup, along with provision for doctor’s consultation for the participant’s benefit.To address the issues and concerns related to Public Health domain further ,I3T has recently inaugurated the debut issue of the one of a kind Public Health Magazine in India-“ I3TK PUBLIC HEALTH: CURRENT TRENDS”. The inaugural issue covers all aspects of direct and indirect impacts or consequences of COVID 19 and shared the case studies of the stalwart scientists and accomplished academicians.
I3T is the brainchild of Pradip and Kumkum Ghosh Family Foundation and headed by Dr. Pradip K. Ghosh, an educator,entrepreneur and a philanthropist since 1985.On the announcement of the public Health camp and the further development of I3T, Dr. Pradip K Ghosh, founder I3T said, “I have always felt the urge to uplift the socio-healthcare face of the state. It is my vision and dedicated passion that has always driven me to serve for the causes of the society. I have established an institute of public health research -International Institute of Innovation and Technology(I3T), dedicating the 140,000 square feet building to conduct research and education in the field of public health. Our aim is to mobilize more than 100 research scientists to explore public health development from all facets encompassing epidemiology, translational research, advocacy for policy changes to execution in the ground for development of public healthcare system and also voicing for social and economic development of women, better healthcare facilities for maternal and child and state of art infrastructure for parallel diagnostics and research work. Through this Health camp, we want to create the awareness among the community”
Dr. Pradip K. Ghosh is a visionary philanthropist who is likely to invest around Rs. 1000 crores for the development of Public Health Scenario in the state. It was his passion that makes him the only NRI who has contributed such a massive amount of fund for building public health academic universities and institutes in the state, creating path for the next generation bright minds to create breakthroughs in the field of public health that will benefit the community at large. The partnership with Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health is another stepping stone which highlights the zeal of I3T to take determined strides for creating an impact in the face of socio-health structure.