International Conference on the VISION ZERO and its relevance to Occupational Safety and Health
A safe workplace is a basic prerequisite for sound business. When the workplace environment is free of injuries and accidents, employees are able to take their potential up by several levels. Workplace safety is essential for any business, regardless of size, to enable both employees and employers to give their best output. Well-implemented safety measures permit employees to perform well and keep industrial equipment well protected. Occupational safety ought to be the joint responsibility of both employers and employees and adequately supported by the government. All stakeholders should aim for zero fatality, which is achievable as per specialists. Every accident is preventable and this should be the mission of every business establishment.
The dignitaries at the conference’s inaugural session included Mr. P.R.Agarwal, Chairman, Rupa & Co Ltd. And Former President, Bharat Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Bimal Kanti Sahu, Director, Indo-German Focal Point (DGUV), and Dr. Mohammed Azman Bin Dato’ Aziz Mohammed, President, International Social Security Association (ISSA) and Group Chief Executive Officer Social Security Organisation (PERKESO), Malaysia, Dr. Jens Juehling, Head of Prevention Department, BG ETEM and Chairman, ISSA Special Commission on Prevention, Mrs. Manisha Sarkar Bhattacharyya, Director, State Labour Institute and Additional Labour Commissioner, Government of West Bengal, Dr. Shyam Pingle, Senior Occupational Health Specialist and Vice-Specialist, International Commission on Occupational Health, Dr. Azlan Daru, Head, Division of Prevention, Medical and Rehabilitation Social Security Organisation (PERKESO), Malaysia, and Mr. Manish Kumar Sinha, Chief Inspector of Factory, Department of Labour, Employment & Training, Government of Jharkhand, Mr. Ashis Kumar Shit, Chief Inspector of Factories, Government of West Bengal, and Mr. Amrish Kumar Sharma, Regional Director, Employees’ State Insurance Corporation Regional Office, Kolkata.
These and more insights were shared by specialists in the Inaugural Session of the two-day International Conference on Vision Zero – India and Malaysia being held in Kolkata over July 31, 2024 and August, 2024. Organised by the Bharat Chamber of Commerce along with Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (DGUV) and PERKESO, and supported by the Indo-German Focal Point and National Safety Council, India, it dwells on aiming for zero accidents and loss of lives internationally in workplaces of all scopes.
The conferencewas flagged off with a Welcome Address by Mr. Naresh Pachisia, Senior Vice-President, Bharat Chamber of Commerce.In his speech, Dr. Pachisia emphasised how employers and employees should come together to ensure occupational safety and eradicate health risks in every company. This should ideally take place with the active implementation of workplace safety programmes and funding from the government. He said, “Vision Zero aims to to promote safety, health, wellbeing among stakeholders and I am happy that representatives of India, along with Germany and Malaysia, have come together to share their experiences here. Going forward, I propose an exhibition for the next conference where visitors can get a feel of advancements made in this field.”
Dr. Mohammed Azman Bin Dato’ Aziz Mohammed, President, International Social Security Association (ISSA) and Group Chief Executive Officer Social Security Organisation (PERKESO), Malaysiain his audio-visual speech played for the audience said”,social security benefits should not be treated an end-point but an ever-evolving and ongoing journey. As workplace safety is a critical issue, all stakeholders should be involved in the promotion of a safe environment that is the mission of Vision Zero.”
Mrs. Manisha Sarkar Bhattacharyya,Director, State Labour Institute and Additional Labour Commissioner, Government of West Bengal in her address said”, As officials of the state’s Labour department, we are especially involved with the security of the stakeholders in addition to safety. This security is of considerable importance as it encompasses both physical as well as psychological security. We are responsible for the implementation of fair and equal terms between the employer and the employees being the key players of the industrial relations mechanism. Vision Zero includes a substantial measure of the psychological safety and security of the stakeholders”.
The Inaugural Session concluded with the release of two publications with real-time data on safety by the Bharat Chamber of Commerce and Indo-German Focal Point.
Better safety culture and consequently, better output for every business was thecore theme that the speakers stressed on at the Inaugural Session of the International Conference on Vision Zero -India and Malaysia that witnessed more than 40 members of the Malaysian delegation along with important representatives from Germany in addition to local members from Kolkata and India. One of the key takeaways was that safety at any workplace and in any occupation is an ongoing process.