Debi Samman Calendar : Celebrating transgender & sexworker achievers

Payel Paul Production in an endeavour to ensure inclusion and overcoming the stigma attached to transgenders and sex workers organizes Debi Samman Calender shoot every year.Through time, our orthodox society has neglected the transgender community and sex workers. During Durga puja, they are always made to feel that it is not their Durga Puja and should stay away from the festivities.
Payel Paul wants to reach out to these marginalised section through this initiative. Highlighting the idea of inclusion with the slogan “Durga Puja for all”, Payel feels the calender launch will play a key role in raising public acceptance of transgenders and sex workers. The calendar launch took place in the presence of Super Model Madhabilata Amrita Mitra,Model/Actor Joy Banerjee, model Paromita and trans woman lawyer, Megh Sayantani Ghosh at Studio83A.