
CLIRNET TeleMed Lite launched

“Equitable, Accessible & Affordable’ healthcare

CLIRNET’s  a 150,000+ doctor network, this telemedicine platform strives to connect doctors & patients with extremely low technological dependence and data requirements was launched by the Prof Dr JA Jayalal, President of the Indian Medical Association.


The National President of Indian Medical Association (IMA), Prof.Dr.J.A.Jayalal launched and dedicated the CLIRNET TeleMed Lit eto the better health of the People of India. With feedback from CLIRNET’s 150,000+ doctor network, this telemedicine platform strives to connect doctors & patients with extremely low technological dependence and data requirements. True to CLIRNET’s vision of “Equitable, Accessible & Affordable’ healthcare for all, this platform will be provided pro-bono to both doctors & patients.


Prof.Dr.J.A.Jayalal said, “Keeping things simple will encourage adoption to this important bridge in doctor-patient relationship.Our main objective should be to maximize care for the patient in a time efficient manner. I wish the CLIRNET team all the best and hope they will continue to ensure security & quality of service.”


CLIRNET’s Co-Founder, Ashu Kasera said, “At CLIRNET we believe that serving and assisting every doctor to run his/ her practice effectively, directly benefits at least 2000 patients.  In TeleMed Lite, we have strived to keep things extremely easy-to-use for both doctors & patients. Whether it is the doctor setting up their virtual clinic in less than 2 minutes, or patients booking an appointment in less than a minute without downloading any app, maximum patient care with minimum data & tech has been our guiding force.” 

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