
Environmentally friendly business entrepreneurs

Encouragement of youngsters to become entrepreneurs has plenty of benefits. Specifically, It is shown in terms of reducing unemployment and setting the path for the country’s creativity and prosperity.

Many governments have taken strategic measures and executed programs to impart entrepreneurial skills and knowledge. By education, recognizing the need to foster youth entrepreneurship. Such a move undoubtedly gives the youth the freedom and impetus to dream and realize their goals.


Sripro Technologies Pvt. Ltd.’s Cooter division believes in creating entrepreneurs.

A recent report from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), titled Becoming #GenerationRestoration, found that one-third of the world’s farmland is degraded, about 87 per cent of inland wetlands have disappeared, and ecosystem degradation is affecting the well-being of 40 per cent of the global population.

Pollution is the root of existing environment of the nature. People are becoming the main victim of ever-increasing pollution & it is creating various types of fatal disease. Due to this, state & Central Govt. have taken projects to minimize the pollution. Electric vehicles are becoming the main means for combating pollution. Due to this reason, to meet commercial & personal demands bringing multi-purpose electrical vehicles.

You can use this vehicle for your personal & commercial purpose.

This is the promise of the CEO, Mr. Abhisek Bhattacharya, Sripro Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Followings are included:

  1. It is usable in remote areas – from roads to lanes… you can run this vehicle seamlessly.
  2. Eco-friendly, Zero Carbon Emission.
  3. Anyone can use it for commercial & local transportation purpose.

In addition to this, any entrepreneur can take cooter distributorship without any huge investment. This scheme could solve not only our home state but also our country’s unemployment problem.

CEO, Mr. Abhisek Bhattacharya, Sripro Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Conviction that COOTER_CAPA v 1.0 can be transformed to a family-rider. We designed COOTER_CAPA v 1.0 in such a way, so if anyone wants to ride the vehicle with family or friends, just pull-out the cargo module & insert the passenger module to get the premium feeling.

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