The Bangabandhu Bapu digital exhibition, jointly inaugurated by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina in December’s virtual summit has opened in Delhi. The exhibition dedicated to the lives of India’s father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi and Bangladesh’s father of the nation Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is currently displayed at Delhi’s Vigyan Bhawan.
It will be subsequently displayed in different locations in Bangladesh, the United Nations in New York and finally culminated in Kolkata in early 2022. The exhibition has 21 walls of information and over 100 points of digital engagement. Bangladesh High Commissioner to India Muhammad Imran and his officers visited the exhibition as well.
Birad Rajaram Yajnik, the curator of the exhibition said, “It is a digital exhibition which speaks the language of technology. It gives out the message of the youth today of the lives of the 2 great leaders. The exhibition acts as a catalyst and you come to know interesting things about the 2 great leaders.”
Key points of interest of the exhibition are a ‘meeting wall’ that displays the only photo in the world that has both Bangabandhu and Bapu in one frame, a robotic signature of both the leaders, the favourite music of the leaders. Historical moments like Mahatma Gandhi’s salt march, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman speech of March 7, 1971 is another noteworthy installation.
The pain and suffering endured by the Indians and Bangladeshi people during the brutal use of force by General Dyer in Jallianwala Bagh in 1919 and the genocide perpetrated by the Pakistani army in 1971 have been digitally shown. The ‘genocide tunnel’ shows the depiction, the experiences of the many Bangladeshis who suffered in the hands of the Pakistani army in 1971 war of liberation.
The exhibition comes at a time when Bangladesh celebrates its 50 years of Independence. This year’s Republic day celebrations too saw a special 122-member strong contingent from Bangladesh’s Armed forces taking part in the grand parade. This is only the third time in India’s history that any foreign military contingent has been invited to participate. An Indian Air force’s Dakota, which took part in the war, conducted a fly past during the parade. Meanwhile the Indian Navy’s tableau was dedicated to the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War and how the war at sea was won.