A Day In The Life of Mangal Taram

Niyogi Books launched the much-awaited book A DAY IN THE LIFE OF MANGAL TARAM by eminent authorAnita Agnihotriyesterday at the 44th InternationalKolkata Book Fair.This book is a careful selection of 14 stories out of over 200 short stories written by Anita Agnihotri spanning over three decades. The book has been translated from Bengali to English by Rani Ray.
The session will be comprised by eminent panel such as Yashodhara Ray Chaudhuri (Civil Servant, Poet & Translator), Dr.SomeshwarBhowmick (Director at EMRC, St. Xavier’s College)and the author Anita Agnihotri(Former Civil Servant & Author).The session will be moderated byProf.NirmalKantiBhattacharjee(Editorial Director, Niyogi Books).
This book is a collection which presents a unique combination of everyday characters, relaying life experiences relatable and common, which yet hark at the heart of the reader in the most extraordinary way. These stories traverse through a range of human emotions, discovers the myriad complexities of relationships, and explores the dynamics of an Indian reality where unheard voices still wait to be deciphered by a sensitive writer.