What is love? It could range from hearing the steps of your pet as it makes way to your room ready to jump into your lap or it could be the love-hate relationship with your sibling where you argue with them at one point only to order food for them 30 minutes later. There’s also no better sign of love than letting your partner have the last slice of pizza. When it comes down to answering the questions, love manifests itself predominantly through gestures. It is said “actions speak louder than words” and they do indeed, here are five gestures by husband & wife which scream louder than “I love you”:
- Accepting your partner’s weird obsessions
Every individual is obsessed with something. Be it a collection of fancy liquors, photographs which eat into your phone space, toy-car collection or clothes. Marriage is not only about accepting your partner but also their habits, behaviors, hobbies and everything else that comes along with it. It is merely a grand way of saying, “Tedha hai, par mera hai!”
- Accepting your partner’s past
Rafiki once said, “Your past, you can either run from it or learn from it” but he sure did miss out on accepting it. Accepting your partner’s past will put you at peace and ensure a smooth-sailing relationship. What’s better than sailing in calm waters and being in love we ask.
- Emotional Atyachaar
Tauba tera jalwa, tauba tera pyaar, tera emotional atyaachaar are the lyrics that hit the very core of every married couple. There are various steps of convincing – asking, sweet talks and the last and final stage of emotional blackmail. Jab ghee seedhi ungli se na nikle tab emotions tedhe karne chahiye is simply how to get things done your way.
- Standing up for your partner
Standing up for your partner is the most important and romantic thing that you can do. If seeing them down and out does not make you want to defend and support them, should you even be married?
Watch Madhu and Sanju, an almost perfect couple going through all the above in Girliyapa’s Mr. & Mrs. Season 2, Episode 3.